The Ark of Solidarity

This limited edition print by Marcin Owczarek will be available for a minimum price of $600, $500 of which will go directly to The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB). Any amount over that will go directly to the fund, so feel free to donate what you are able. 

A donation will be made in your name to the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond. You will receive a letter from the Angela King Gallery indicating the amount that was sent on your behalf. We will provide them with your name and the amount donated. There will be 100 of these prints sold.

THE People’s Institute for survival and beyond

The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB), is a national and international collective of anti-racist, multicultural community organizers and educators dedicated to building an effective movement for social transformation.

The People’s Institute believes that racism is the primary barrier preventing communities from building effective coalitions and overcoming institutionalized oppression and inequities.  Through Undoing Racism®/Community Organizing Workshops, technical assistance and consultations, The People’s Institute helps individuals, communities, organizations and institutions move beyond addressing the symptoms of racism to undoing the causes of racism so as to create a more just and equitable society.

Founded in 1980 by long-time community organizers Ronald Chisom of New Orleans, and Dr. Jim Dunn of Yellow Springs, Ohio, The People’s Institute has impacted the lives of nearly 1,00,000,000 people both nationally and internationally. Through this process, it supports a cadre of anti-racist organizers who build leadership and accountability in the communities where they are organizing.

Today, The People’s Institute is recognized as one of the foremost anti-racism training and organizing institutions in the nation. In a 2002 Aspen Institute survey of eleven top racial justice organizations, five credited The People’s Institute with having the most effective anti-racist analysis.

ark of solidarity essay by owczarek

We, the artist from the Gallery, live in different parts of the globe, we speak different languages, we use different mediums (paintings, sculptures, photography), but the purpose of art is universal: to unite people, provoke thinking and contemplation, invite for the journey of beauty and inspiration and as Picasso said: "to wash the dust of daily life off our souls". Thinking about how to connect creations of so many great minds and sensitive souls I decided to build " The Ark of Solidarity "- a metaphor of our times where all artist representing different (visual) languages, living in different parts of the world will be united.  Thinking metaphorically the virus might be interpreted as a great flood infecting every piece of land. The Ark symbolizes solidarity of all people in the face of tragedy. The sea itself becomes a place of liberation, a wonderful transformation, highest values, the final destination of our behavior and our conscious. At the end of the day we all are in the same boat as global community. We are all connected. The Ark of solidarity is strong, unstoppable, filled with altruism, respect and tolerance. The crew members are taking care of each other. After every storm, there comes the Sun. when the sun appears again we will definitely wake up in a whole different world. What will be the course of our future? We need to find the answer in ourselves. Our actions will be our destiny.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Marcin Owczarek 04.05.2020